Track details

Downtown Bikini Bottom Beta2 (4IT★Lecce,,PhillyG) [r32,id=04446,mod=b]
Type, Class and Id:Track / select / 4446
Track name and version:Downtown Bikini Bottom Beta2
Start view:
Created by:4IT★Lecce
Edited by:PhillyG
Family info:2 files
Clan info:4 files divided into 2 families
Record created:2018-07-05 17:36:43
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2018-07-05 17:21:06 / 3036661
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 87%, LZMA 64%, YBZ 87%, YLZ 64%, WBZ 78%, WLZ 56%
SHA1 checksum:1118db47119f413530b3bfc815a0c0ce73c5f93c
SHA1 alias:ef853e6a2d0c7c1b6a38af9a2fa3f0fec556fb03
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 3.2 (KC) / Music index 133 (T32, KC)
ENPT+ITPT range:5985..62052 / 0..300 / −31567..5985
Download (WBZ):
Used by 12 distributions:Insane Kart Wii (v1.1.1)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.1.0)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.9)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.8)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.7)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.6)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.5)
Onion's Hide and Seek Pack (v1.1)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.3)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2.fix)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2)
MKW Ultra Pack (v0.1)
Translations:cs: Centrum Zátiší Bikin
de: Innenstadt von Bikini Bottom
el: Κέντρο του Βυθού του Μπικίνι
es: Centro de Fondo de Bikini
fr: Centre-Ville de Bikini Bottom
it: Centro di Bikini Bottom
ja: ビキニタウンのダウンタウン
ko: 비기니시타 도심
nl: Bikinibroek-Centrum
pl: Śródmieście Bikini Dolnego
pt: Centro da Fenda do Biquíni
ru: Центр Бикини-Боттом
sv: Centrala Bikini Botten
us: Downtown Bikini Bottom

All versions of the track

All 2 found tracks
Family 2251
12251 22512251TrackCustomstock2015-10-04Downtown Bikini Bottom Beta (4IT★Lecce) [r32,miss=2d5f5t,mod=b]
24446 22512251TrackCustomselect2018-07-05Downtown Bikini Bottom Beta2 (4IT★Lecce,,PhillyG) [r32,mod=b]

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