Track details

Place of Pipes (mrexodia97) [arena,id=03094,bad]
Type, Class and Id:Arena / bad / 3094
Arena name:Place of Pipes
Start view:
Created by:mrexodia97
Record created:2017-10-21 12:49:54
Last update of record:2024-02-07 11:02:03
SZS file date and size:2011-05-22 16:38:31 / 248908
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 88%, LZMA 67%, YBZ 88%, YLZ 67%, WBZ 60%, WLZ 47%
SHA1 checksum:57b70efc814bbe2f0e4d8cf888473952895a4448
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:arena
ENPT+ITPT range:−10395..17400 / 1000..1000 / −17400..11961
Download (WBZ):
Translations:el: Μέρος των Σωλήνων
es: Zona de Tuberías
it: Posto dei Tubi
ja: パイププレース
nl: Plaats der Pijpen
us: Place of Pipes

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Family 3094
13094 3094ArenaCustombad2011-05-22Place of Pipes (mrexodia97) [arena,bad]

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