Track details

DS Wario Stadium RC3 (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,KantoEpic) [r64,id=18226,2ktpt]
Type, Class and Id:Track / select / 18226
Console or prefix:DS (Mario Kart DS)
Track name and version:Wario Stadium RC3
Start view:
Created by:MRbuttCHINSx11T7
Edited by:KantoEpic
Family info:6 files
Clan info:31 files divided into 8 families
Record created:2023-12-08 05:31:33
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2023-12-08 05:17:22 / 392231
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 89%, LZMA 67%, YBZ 89%, YLZ 67%, WBZ 75%, WLZ 56%
SHA1 checksum:173eb73da3e00f8eb2ba287716fbf7ea130f0fb4
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Special KMP settings:2ktpt
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 6.4 (gWS) / Music index 169 (T64, gWS)
ENPT+ITPT range:−45160..36289 / 10851..14611 / −34444..42831
Download (WBZ):
Translations:cs: DS Wariův Stadión
da: DS Warios Stadion
de: DS Wario-Arena
el: DS Στάδιο του Γουάριο
es: DS Estadio Wario
fi: DS Warion stadion
fr: DS Stade Wario
it: DS Stadio di Wario
ja: DS ワリオスタジアム
ko: DS 와리오 스타디움
nl: DS Wario's Stadion
pl: DS Stadion Wario
pt: DS Estádio Wario
ru: DS Стадион Варио
sv: DS Warios Stadion
us: DS Wario Stadium

All versions of the track

All 6 found tracks
Family 276
1276 276276TrackCustomstock2011-06-30DS Wario Stadium RC1 (MRbuttCHINSx11T7) [r64]
217713 276276TrackCustomstock2024-02-08DS Wario Stadium RC1.ctgp (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,MrBean35000vr) [r64]
3306 276276TrackCustomstock2011-07-17DS Wario Stadium RC2 (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,Reedy94) [r64]
43559 276276TrackCustomboost2011-07-22DS Wario Stadium RC2.boost (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,Wiimm) [r64]
517714 276276TrackCustomstock2023-11-09DS Wario Stadium RC2.ikw (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,Toadette Hack Fan) [r64]
618226 276276TrackCustomselect2023-12-08DS Wario Stadium RC3 (MRbuttCHINSx11T7,,KantoEpic) [r64,2ktpt]

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