Track details

Alpine Skyway v1 (xBlue98) [r44,id=01776,mod=5b]
Type, Class and Id:Track / stock / 1776
Track name and version:Alpine Skyway v1
Start view:
Created by:xBlue98
Family info:12 files
Clan info:26 files divided into 2 families
Record created:2017-10-20 16:18:52
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2014-08-26 00:55:44 / 2187727
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 86%, LZMA 61%, YBZ 86%, YLZ 61%, WBZ 88%, WLZ 67%
SHA1 checksum:75e1835a4afd689d44c8403e290f4121a4917fbe
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 4.4 (RR) / Music index 147 (T44, RR)
ENPT+ITPT range:−89282..107965 / 11330..90983 / 6842..91278
Download (WBZ):
Translations:cs: Alpská Nebetyčna Cesta
da: Alphimmelvejen
de: Alpiner Himmelweg
es: Autopista Alpina
fi: Alppien Taivastie
fr: Aérodrome Alpin
it: Cielostrada alpina
ja: アルパインスカイウェイ
nl: Alpenluchtweg
pt: Rota Aérea Alpina
ru: Альпийская эстакада
sv: Alphimmelsvägen
us: Alpine Skyway

All versions of the track

All 12 found tracks
Family 1215
11215 12151215TrackCustomstock2013-06-28Alpine Skyway RC1 (xBlue98) [r23,mod=5b]
21216 12151215TrackCustomstock2013-06-28Alpine Skyway RC1+ (xBlue98,,Wiimm) [r23,mod=5b,fixed=minimap+kcl]
31264 12151215TrackCustomstock2013-07-27Alpine Skyway RC2 (xBlue98) [r23,3lc,mod=5b]
47381 12151215TrackCustomstock2020-06-12Alpine Skyway RC2.1 (xBlue98,,PeachKia52250vr) [r23,2laps,mod=5b]
51566 12151215TrackCustomstock2014-01-08Alpine Skyway RC3 (xBlue98) [r23,3lc,mod=7b]
61567 12151215TrackCustomstock2014-01-08Alpine Skyway RC3 (xBlue98) [r23,3lc,mod=7b]_d
71776 12151215TrackCustomstock2014-08-26Alpine Skyway v1 (xBlue98) [r44,mod=5b]
86961 12151215TrackCustomstock2015-01-12Alpine Skyway v1 (xBlue98) [r44,2laps,mod=5b]
917768 12151215TrackCustomstock2024-02-08Alpine Skyway v1.1 (xBlue98) [r23,1lap,mod=5b]
102042 12151215TrackCustomstock2015-05-31Alpine Skyway v1.1 (xBlue98) [r23,2laps,mod=5b]
114499 12151215TrackCustomstock2018-07-07Alpine Skyway v1.2 (xBlue98,,PhillyG) [r23,2laps,mod=5b]
1217771 12151215TrackCustomselect2023-11-11Alpine Skyway v1.2.opt (xBlue98,,Optllizer) [r23,2laps,mod=5b]

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