Track details

Pipeline Skyway v2 (Cotni) [r13,id=01694]
Type, Class and Id:Track / select / 1694
Track name and version:Pipeline Skyway v2
Start view:
Created by:Cotni
Family info:3 files
Clan info:5 files divided into 2 families
Record created:2017-10-20 16:18:52
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2014-04-27 00:31:07 / 902447
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 91%, LZMA 61%, YBZ 91%, YLZ 61%, WBZ 77%, WLZ 51%
SHA1 checksum:4b2cdde7676f8d450eb95fa6aa518935453c51f7
SHA1 alias:8c294010d1d7ce4439e40432501e4fa1dcd7beae
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 1.3 (MG) / Music index 121 (T13, MG)
ENPT+ITPT range:7182..91033 / 0..47375 / −90194..−36302
Download (WBZ):
Used by 4 distributions:Boshi Kart GP (Beta)
Nitro CT Pack (v0.2)
Cuberluigi CT Pack (RC1.3)
Cuberluigi CT Pack (Beta 37)
Translations:de: Pipeline-Luftweg
el: Ουρανοπίστα Πετρελαιαγωγών
es: Cañerías Celestes
fr: Aérodrôme de Tuyauterie
it: Aerodromo delle Tubature
ja: パイプラインスカイウェイ
ko: 관로 항공로
nl: Pijplijnluchtweg
ru: Трубы в облаках
us: Pipeline Skyway

All versions of the track

All 3 found tracks
Family 1671
11671 16711671TrackCustomstock2014-04-06Pipeline Skyway v1.beta1 (Cotni) [r13]
21677 16711671TrackCustomstock2014-04-09Pipeline Skyway v1 (Cotni) [r13]
31694 16711671TrackCustomselect2014-04-27Pipeline Skyway v2 (Cotni) [r13]

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