Track details

The Great Escape from Napoli v2 (Scuder1aSc0tti) [r42,edit.ct,id=15593,mod=6b2ft]
Type, Class and Id:Track / select / 15593
Track name and version:The Great Escape from Napoli v2
Start view:
Created by:Scuder1aSc0tti
Family info:3 files
Clan info:28 files divided into 6 families
Record created:2023-04-11 21:23:26
Last update of record:2024-02-08 12:05:15
SZS file date and size:2024-02-08 10:42:43 / 2122293
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 91%, LZMA 66%, YBZ 91%, YLZ 66%, WBZ 95%, WLZ 71%
SHA1 checksum:47938d2eee329eae3513aedb3a5c42f52ee35355
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 4.2 (MH) / Music index 141 (T42, MH)
ENPT+ITPT range:−13507..28526 / 3203..11685 / −48700..31817
Download (WBZ):
Translations:it: La Grande Fuga da Napoli
nl: De Grote Ontsnapping van Napels
us: The Great Escape from Napoli

All versions of the track

All 3 found tracks
Family 15592
115592 15592543TrackCustomstock2024-02-08The Great Escape from Napoli v1 (Scuder1aSc0tti) [r42,edit.ct,mod=6b2ft]
215593 15592543TrackCustomselect2024-02-08The Great Escape from Napoli v2 (Scuder1aSc0tti) [r42,edit.ct,mod=6b2ft]
315603 15592543TrackCustomselect2023-04-11The Great Escape from Napoli v2.alt (Scuder1aSc0tti,,King Boo Gaming) [r42,edit.ct,miss=d,mod=8b2ft]

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