Track details

Shining Town v1.2.1 (MKWLH1000) [r63,id=01421,gobj,mod=2b]
Type, Class and Id:Track / stock / 1421
Track name and version:Shining Town v1.2.1
Start view:
Created by:MKWLH1000
Family info:9 files
Record created:2017-10-20 16:18:52
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2013-10-10 22:51:10 / 1428034
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 88%, LZMA 61%, YBZ 88%, YLZ 61%, WBZ 82%, WLZ 58%
SHA1 checksum:0fb1fe44bec1c4c5aa2abe6a5d56f98ec390aa1e
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Special KMP settings:goomba-sz
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 6.3 (dDS) / Music index 175 (T63, dDS)
ENPT+ITPT range:−20364..17475 / 4339..4339 / −30380..18184
Download (WBZ):
Translations:cs: Zářící Město
da: Lysende byen
de: Glänzende Stadt
el: Λαμπερή Πόλη
es: Pueblo Brillante
fi: Loistava kaupunki
fr: Ville Étincelante
it: Città Sfavillante
ja: シャイニングタウン
nl: Schijnend Dorp
ru: Сияющий городок
sv: Skinande Staden
us: Shining Town

All versions of the track

All 9 found tracks
Family 1413
11413 1413TrackCustomstock2013-10-06Shining Town v1 (MKWLH1000) [r63,mod=2b]
21421 1413TrackCustomstock2013-10-10Shining Town v1.2.1 (MKWLH1000) [r63,gobj,mod=2b]
31427 1413TrackCustomstock2013-10-12Shining Town v1.2.5 (MKWLH1000) [r63,gobj,mod=2b]
48883 1413TrackCustomstock2021-03-27Shining Town v1.2.5.wp (MKWLH1000,,Keiichi1996) [r63,gobj,mod=2b]
58884 1413TrackCustomstock2021-03-27Shining Town v1.2.5.hp1 (MKWLH1000) [r63,gobj,issue=cameras,mod=2b]
68880 1413TrackCustomstock2016-03-17Shining Town v1.2.5.hp2 (MKWLH1000,,PhillyG) [r63,issue=cameras,mod=2b]
78882 1413TrackCustomstock2017-10-12Shining Town v1.2.5.hp2 (MKWLH1000,,PhillyG) [r63,x2,issue=cameras,mod=2b]
88881 1413TrackCustomstock2016-10-20Shining Town v1.2.5.hp2 (MKWLH1000,,PhillyG) [r63,5laps,x2,issue=cameras,mod=2b]
98885 1413TrackCustomselect2021-03-27Shining Town v1.3 (MKWLH1000,,FJRoyet) [r63,mod=3b]

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