Track details

Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix) RC2 (Judge81) [r14,edit,id=14180]
Type, Class and Id:Track / stock / 14180
Track name and version:Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix) RC2
Start view:
Category:Track edit of Toad's Factory
Created by:Judge81
Family info:3 files
Clan info:11 files divided into 6 families
Record created:2022-10-05 09:20:00
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2022-10-05 09:11:39 / 2787797
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 80%, LZMA 57%, YBZ 80%, YLZ 57%, WBZ 56%, WLZ 41%
SHA1 checksum:acda05ce4d51744855fadc3f015086110cbb7c95
SHA1 alias:0bd6b75ed783b81942584d4b59f735b55beaa4a0
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Special attributes:edit
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 1.4 (TF) / Music index 123 (T14, TF)
ENPT+ITPT range:−28900..17752 / 1030..5287 / −40350..22400
Download (WBZ):
Used by 1 distribution:Item Box Mix (RC2)
Translations:de: Toads Fabrik (Itembox-Mix)
it: Fabbrica di Toad (Mix Cubo Oggetto)
nl: Toads Fabriek (Voorwerpkist-Mix)
us: Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix)

All versions of the track

All 3 found tracks
Family 11348
111348 113483464Tracke/TFstock2022-07-10Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix) Beta (Judge81) [r14,edit]
214180 113483464Tracke/TFstock2022-10-05Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix) RC2 (Judge81) [r14,edit]
316455 113483464Tracke/TFselect2023-09-05Toad's Factory (Item Box Mix) v1 (Judge81) [r14,edit]

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