Track details

Northern Heights v2.2 (Lovelifeandtpose024,,Gabriela_) [id=11560]
Type, Class and Id:Track / stock / 11560
Track name and version:Northern Heights v2.2
Start view:
Created by:Lovelifeandtpose024
Edited by:Gabriela_
Family info:6 files
Clan info:7 files divided into 2 families
Record created:2022-08-09 13:58:02
Last update of record:2024-02-16 06:07:37
SZS file date and size:2022-08-09 13:52:09 / 5440831
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 82%, LZMA 65%, YBZ 82%, YLZ 65%, WBZ 81%, WLZ 64%
SHA1 checksum:f4e924a9b662030a64bdfb2b906157fc2fb0dd9d
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 2.3 (DKS) / Music index 129 (T23, DKS)
ENPT+ITPT range:−67810..7828 / 7398..22000 / −56686..26770
Download (WBZ):
Used by 2 distributions:Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2.fix)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2)
Translations:cs: Severní Vrcholy
da: Nordlige Højder
de: Nördliches Hochland
el: βόρειος ύψη
es: Alturas Boreales
fi: Korkeat Revontulet
fr: Altitudes Septentrionales
it: Alture Settentrionali
ja: ノーザンハイト
nl: Noordse Hoogten
pl: Północne Wyżyny
ru: Северные высоты
us: Northern Heights

All versions of the track

All 6 found tracks
Family 10113
110113 1011310113TrackCustomstock2021-12-29Northern Heights RC1 (Lovelifeandtpose024) [r23,mod=4bkft]
210918 1011310113TrackCustomstock2022-05-03Northern Heights v2 (Lovelifeandtpose024) [r23,mod=5bkft]
311081 1011310113TrackCustomstock2022-05-24Northern Heights v2.1 (Lovelifeandtpose024) [r23,mod=5bkft]
411560 1011310113TrackCustomstock2022-08-09Northern Heights v2.2 (Lovelifeandtpose024,,Gabriela_) []
512423 1011310113TrackCustomstock2022-09-05Northern Heights v2.3 (Lovelifeandtpose024,,Gabriela_) []
614327 1011310113TrackCustomselect2022-10-29Northern Heights v2.3.1 (Lovelifeandtpose024,,Gabriela_) [r23,mod=5bkft]

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