Track details

Mushroom Volcano v1.2 (varemi) [r34,id=11428]
Type, Class and Id:Track / select / 11428
Track name and version:Mushroom Volcano v1.2
Start view:
Created by:varemi
Family info:4 files
Clan info:8 files divided into 3 families
Record created:2022-07-18 17:52:31
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2022-07-18 17:41:33 / 1029616
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 86%, LZMA 63%, YBZ 86%, YLZ 63%, WBZ 46%, WLZ 34%
SHA1 checksum:efc7852c8460ad1a835133cb5aea7c3f3427bd3d
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 3.4 (GV) / Music index 139 (T34, GV)
ENPT+ITPT range:−3707..70950 / 3000..7100 / −51851..44259
Download (WBZ):
Used by 10 distributions:Insane Kart Wii (v1.1.1)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.1.0)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.9)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.8)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.7)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.6)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.5)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.3)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2.fix)
Insane Kart Wii (v1.0.2)
Translations:cs: Houbová Sopka
de: Pilz-Vulkan
es: Volcán Champiñón
fr: Volcan Champignon
it: Vulcano Fungo
ja: キノコボルケーノ
nl: Paddenstoelenvulkaan
us: Mushroom Volcano

All versions of the track

All 4 found tracks
Family 7958
17958 795879TrackCustomstock2020-09-14Mushroom Volcano v1.pre (varemi) [r34]
27968 795879TrackCustomstock2020-09-15Mushroom Volcano v1 (varemi) [r34]
39209 795879TrackCustomstock2021-05-19Mushroom Volcano v1.1 (varemi) [r34]
411428 795879TrackCustomselect2022-07-18Mushroom Volcano v1.2 (varemi) [r34]

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