Track details

DS Wario Stadium (MK8) Beta.hns (Numerosity) [r64,hns.ct,id=10896,2do]
Type, Class and Id:Track / wait / 10896
Console or prefix:DS (Mario Kart DS)
Track name and version:Wario Stadium (MK8) Beta.hns
Start view:
Created by:Numerosity
Family info:6 files
Clan info:31 files divided into 8 families
Record created:2022-04-18 14:11:37
Last update of record:2024-02-07 13:37:24
SZS file date and size:2022-04-18 14:09:33 / 5327084
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 86%, LZMA 64%, YBZ 86%, YLZ 64%, WBZ 85%, WLZ 63%
SHA1 checksum:dcee0e5e783e5c002ba7ab1b2f82ee843ef9c5e6
SHA1 alias:8f77c8e93c66111d95217a27eaa29d6364d0b1ca
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:3
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 6.4 (gWS) / Music index 169 (T64, gWS)
ENPT+ITPT range:−27246..33617 / 3878..17320 / −20402..39593
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All versions of the track

All 6 found tracks
Family 10895
110895 10895276TrackCustomstock2022-04-18DS Wario Stadium (MK8) Beta (Numerosity) [r64,bad=minimap,issue=bbill,lag]
210896 10895276TrackH+S.ctwait2022-04-18DS Wario Stadium (MK8) Beta.hns (Numerosity) [r64,hns.ct,2do]
310946 10895276TrackCustomstock2022-05-03DS Wario Stadium (MK8) v1 (Numerosity) [r64,mod=b]
411152 10895276TrackCustomstock2022-06-06DS Wario Stadium (MK8) v1.1 (Numerosity,,Toadette Hack Fan) [r64,mod=b]
514886 10895276TrackCustomselect2023-01-16DS Wario Stadium (MK8) v1.2 (Numerosity,,FJRoyet) [r64,mod=b]
619509 10895276TrackCustomincome2024-02-29DS Wario Stadium (MK8) v1.2.ikw (Numerosity,,Toadette Hack Fan) [r64,mod=b]

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