Track details

Wii U Sunshine Airport v1 (Diego Vapy) [r21,2laps,id=10105,mod=b]
Type, Class and Id:Track / stock / 10105
Console or prefix:Wii U (Mario Kart 8 (Wii U & Switch))
Track name and version:Sunshine Airport v1
Start view:
Created by:Diego Vapy
Family info:12 files
Clan info:13 files divided into 2 families
Record created:2021-12-29 12:02:50
Last update of record:2024-02-17 05:57:05
SZS file date and size:2021-12-29 11:57:20 / 3917483
Size of alternative formats:BZ2 88%, LZMA 64%, YBZ 88%, YLZ 64%, WBZ 84%, WLZ 62%
SHA1 checksum:b31286042c811dc721fbbf0b936e053e10ad7f2b
SHA1 alias:d62134a3fadb598d3c93770efc862d633b2132fc
CKPT lap counters:1
STGI lap multiplier:2
STGI speed factor:1.000
Slot info:−4.2   −6.1   −6.2
Recommended slots:Property slot 2.1 (MC) / Music index 125 (T21, MC)
ENPT+ITPT range:−60003..10159 / 752..22956 / −116208..10628
Download (WBZ):
Translations:cs: Wii U Slunný Letiště
da: Wii U Solrig Lufthavnen
de: Wii U Sonnenflughafen
el: Wii U Ηλιόλουστο Αεροδρόμιο
es: Wii U Aeropuerto Soleado
fi: Wii U Auringonpaiste lentoasema
fr: Wii U Aéroport Azur
it: Wii U Aeroporto del Sole
ja: Wii U サンシャインくうこう
ko: Wii U 선샤인 공항
nl: Wii U Sunshine Airport
pl: Wii U Słońce Lotnisko
pt: Wii U Aeroporto Alvorada
ru: Wii U Солнечный аэропорт
sv: Wii U Solsken Flygplatsen
us: Wii U Sunshine Airport

All versions of the track

All 12 found tracks
Family 9798
19798 97983729TrackCustomstock2021-09-18Wii U Sunshine Airport Alpha1 (Diego Vapy) [r21,issue=kcl+flicker,lag+]
29850 97983729TrackCustomstock2021-10-16Wii U Sunshine Airport Beta1 (Diego Vapy) [r21,2laps]
39851 97983729TrackCustomstock2021-10-16Wii U Sunshine Airport Beta2 (Diego Vapy,,OrangeYoshi) [r21,2laps]
410105 97983729TrackCustomstock2021-12-29Wii U Sunshine Airport v1 (Diego Vapy) [r21,2laps,mod=b]
510106 97983729TrackCustomstock2021-12-29Wii U Sunshine Airport v1.1 (Diego Vapy,,OrangeYoshi) [r21,2laps,mod=b]
610853 97983729TrackCustomstock2022-04-18Wii U Sunshine Airport v1.2 (Diego Vapy,,Mr. Brian,FJRoyet,Diego Vapy) [r21,mod=b]
714427 97983729TrackCustomstock2022-11-07Wii U Sunshine Airport v2 (Diego Vapy,,Mr. Brian,Josei,Waltz,Diego Vapy) [r21,mod=8bk]
814428 97983729TrackCustomstock2022-11-07Wii U Sunshine Airport v2.fix (Diego Vapy) [r21,mod=8bk]
916128 97983729TrackCustomstock2023-06-25Wii U Sunshine Airport v2.fix.mkd (Diego Vapy,,FJRoyet) [r21,mod=7bk]
1016129 97983729TrackCustomstock2023-06-25Wii U Sunshine Airport v2.1 (Diego Vapy) [r21,mod=8bk]
1116318 97983729TrackCustomstock2023-08-01Wii U Sunshine Airport v2.1.opt (Diego Vapy,,Optllizer) [r21,mod=8bk]
1216748 97983729TrackCustomselect2023-09-25Wii U Sunshine Airport v2.1b (Diego Vapy,,KantoEpic) [r21,mod=8bk]

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