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ShouToad's Battle Pack
First release:2023-04-22
Current version:v1.1
Predecessor:▲ ShouToad's Battle Pack v1.0
Current:► ShouToad's Battle Pack v1.1
SHA1 list:view  ●  export

Battle arenas (11 files total)

CupCup 1StatusTasks
1.1N64 Block Fort v1.2 (AltairYoshi)
1.2Sunny Beach v1.1 (Yoshivert99,,Saiveeon)
1.3Number 15: Comically Large Green Shell v0.15 {April 1.} (Atlas)
1.4Rotation Station v1.1 (Bri911)
1.5Wario's Battle Canyon v1 (JadenMKW,Questorian)
CupCup 2StatusTasks
2.1Tour Paris Promenade B v1 (Bruh de la Boi) new
2.1Tour Paris Promenade B v1 (Bruh de la Boi) new
2.2SW Battle Stadium v1 (Bruh de la Boi)
2.3Dawn Arena v1 (Jiyuu)
2.4TO Alexandrovsk v1.1 (Wacker)
2.5DS Nintendo DS v1.5 (AltairYoshi)
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