Custom Track Distribution

Paint Track Pack
First release:2022-07-15
Current version:v0.2
Distributor(s):KiwiPowerGreen, Luigids
Current:► Paint Track Pack v0.2
SHA1 list:view  ●  export

Versus tracks (32 files total)

CupCup 1StatusTasks
1.1Luigi Circuit 2 RC2 (magnusbon,ALPHAMARIOX)
1.2Moo Moo Island RC8 (ζρεar)
1.3Mushroom City RC3 (4TLPati,,Oh ok)
1.4DK Waterfall RC1 (BigOto2)
CupCup 2StatusTasks
2.1Mushroom Land RC4 (EC2Joshi)
2.2Mushroom Peaks RC6 (MrBean35000vr,Chadderz,,PeachKia52250vr)
2.3Boring Ice Bounce Beta3 (ALPHAMARIOX,,Oh ok)
2.4Universe Sandsoil Beta (4TLPati)
CupCup 3StatusTasks
3.1SNES Rainbow Road RC1.ctgp (MrBean35000vr,Chadderz)
3.2GBA Rainbow Road RC5.ctgp (MKDasher,MrBean35000vr)
3.3Koopa's Platform RC2 (Vulcanus2,,Oh ok)
3.4Lethal Lava Land RC1 (TB 358)
CupCup 4StatusTasks
4.1Dom Dom Islands RC5.1.alt (TB 358,,Saiveeon) new
4.2Cannon City RC2 (kHacker35000vr)
4.3GBA Bowser Castle 4 v1.1 (W-K Tim,,Wiimm)
4.4Rainbow Mountain RC2 (Red Flame)
CupCup 5StatusTasks
5.1Mushroom Island RC2 (BigOto2,,PeachKia52250vr)
5.2Monty Mole Lake RC2 (CrackpotHackr64000Vr,,Oh ok) new
5.3SNES Ghost Valley 3 RC2+ (Björn,,Wiimm)
5.4Grass Road Beta2 (TB 358,,Oh ok)
CupCup 6StatusTasks
6.1Icy Shroom Road RC3 (BigOto2,,Oh ok)
6.2GBA Cheep-Cheep Island RC2 (ARM1,,Teknik Kart Wii Team)
6.3Skylane RC2 (UgotHacked,metaknight2550,,PeachKia52250vr)
6.4Thwomp Cave RC3 (kHacker35000vr,,PhillyG)
CupCup 7StatusTasks
7.1Desert Cross RC2 (Michiel117,YoRemco)
7.2Bowsers Castle 1 Beta2 (EC2Joshi,,PhillyG)
7.3Jungle Safari RC2.ctgp (metaknight2550,,MrBean35000vr)
7.4Rainbow Dream RC2 (ALPHAMARIOX,Reedy94,,Oh ok)
CupCup 8StatusTasks
8.1Hidden Land Beta2 (ζρεar,,Oh ok)
8.2Chomp Valley RC2.wp (MrBean35000vr,Chadderz,,Keiichi1996)
8.3Incendia Castle RC1.opt (MrBean35000vr,Chadderz,,Optllizer)
8.4Six King Labyrinth v1.3 (MrBean35000vr,Chadderz,,Krummers)
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