Custom Track Distribution

Xenøn's HNS CT Collection
First release:2022-10-01
Current version:v3.0
Predecessor:▲ Xenøn's HNS CT Collection v2.5
Current:► Xenøn's HNS CT Collection v3.0
Successor: ▼ Xenøn's HNS CT Collection v3.1
SHA1 list:view  ●  export

Battle arenas (10 files total)

CupCup 1StatusTasks
1.1SMG Sea Slide Galaxy Alpha (Torran,Sword0fSeals) new
1.2Battle-Race Resort v1.5 (Slimeserver)
1.3Toad's Golf RC3.2 (Martinkwii,,YoshTaku)
1.4Disco Fever v3.4 {ctgp} (xBlue98,,Wiimm)
1.5Cargo Bay v1 (Shorky) new
CupCup 2StatusTasks
2.1Red Rooms v2 (Jasperr) new
2.2Rainbow Float Land v1.1 (lgmb)
2.3Prison Block v1.2 (MEGAKart69)
2.4Divine Temple v3.hp (SpyKid,Scye,Filizia)
2.5Zelda TP Kakariko Village RC2 (Jopojelly,,PeachKia52250vr) new
Click any status header to remove head lines. Click any status to limit the view to tracks with same status. Click again to cancel the limitation. Press CTRL and click to hide a status group. Press ALT and click any status to reset and show all again.


Versus tracks (32 files total)

CupCup 1StatusTasks
1.1Greenwood Park Beta.fix (BroOFun) new
1.2Hooktail Castle v1.1 (Questorian,,LucioWins) new
1.3Secluded Island v1.01 (Caron)
1.4CS Dust II v1.2 (SpartaYoshi)
CupCup 2StatusTasks
2.1Frantic Funyard v1.1 (Sniki) _d
2.2Motorcat's Dirt Derby v1 (bugsy) new
2.3Wacky Rooftop Run v1.3 (SpyKid,rusoX,,PhillyG) new
2.4Underground Sky v1.5 (Caron)
CupCup 3StatusTasks
3.1Pianta Shore v1.2.5 (NateFox)
3.2Re-Volt Rooftops Alpha2 (MK Mier,,Sasuke) update
3.3Subspace Factory v1.3 (Caron)
3.4Sahara Hideout v2.19 {nether} (ZPL,Jasperr,Golden RS) new
CupCup 4StatusTasks
4.1Mystical Marsh v1 (Jasperr)
4.2Elemental Solstice v1 (Team Bear) new
4.3Seekers Grounds v1.4.1 (MEGAKart69,,Trainiax)
4.4Starry Cityscape v0.5 (bugsy) new
CupCup 5StatusTasks
5.1Cliffside Court v1.23 (Luke Chandler)
5.2Lumpy's Lively Lair RC1 (MrFluffy) new
5.3Vile Isle v1.4 (Citrus)
5.4Riparian Paradise v1.2 (SPT,,FJRoyet) new
CupCup 6StatusTasks
6.1Gingivitis is Bad v2.3 (BillyNoodles,Team)
6.2Waterway v1 (MysterE99)
6.3Tideshift Town v1.01 (Bladestorm227) new
6.4Windy Whirl v1.3.1c (Syst3ms)
CupCup 7StatusTasks
7.1Volcanic Valley v2.6.1.le (MEGAKart69,,Trainiax) new
7.2Tour Ninja Hideaway v1.5 (TheGamingBram) new
7.3Desert Mushroom Ruins v1.3 (MysterE99,,Jasperr,zilly)
7.4Kamek's Library v2.1.4 (MysterE99,,Brawlboxgaming) update
CupCup 8StatusTasks
8.1Northern Heights v2.3 (Lovelifeandtpose024,,Gabriela_) new
8.2Daisy Gardens v2.2e (xBlue98)
8.3SMG Honeyhive Galaxy v1 (Thevayl) update
8.4Banished Keep v1. (Metabus) update
Click any status header to remove head lines. Click any status to limit the view to tracks with same status. Click again to cancel the limitation. Press CTRL and click to hide a status group. Press ALT and click any status to reset and show all again.


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